The Spirit of Our Womb

The Spirit of Our Womb

What do you think about when you see or hear the the phrase “the spirit of our womb?” I thought this was a must post because I’m sure this woman isn’t the only one who feels this way. So recently I was talking to a client of mine about healing her womb and being connected as one with her womb. But she didn’t seem to think it was possible because she had a complete hysterectomy a few years back. So I felt that it was very important to explain to you the same thing I explained to her. And that is that ourimage wombs are still connected to us even in spirit. And subconsciously, its the place where we harbor our hurt, our sorrows, our resentments, and even our deepest fears. It’s the place where we hold disappointments and trauma’s that we’ve gone through in our lives. Especially if it’s sexual trauma that we’ve held onto from when we were little girls. So even though for those of us who has went through a procedure to have a full or partial hysterectomy, removing the womb doesn’t mean that those very issues that you were storing in your sacred space has been removed. They still dwell in the same place that they did when your womb was physically there.

When we go through our hysterectomies, even though our wombs have been surgically removed, our hidden truths have not.

It’s those very things we hold within us, whether it’s stagnant energy or a positive energy flow, that comes from deep within. Deep within our wombs. So know, that even though you can’t PRO-CREATE, you still can create through manifestation. And if you have issues that you haven’t let go of yet, or haven’t faced in order for the healing process to take place. Then go through that energy cleans. Do what you have to to heal, so that you can (as they say) let go and let flow. I wish you many blessings in your powerful manifestations and building a relationship and connecting with the spirit of your womb. She can still guide you to be where you desire to be in your life.



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Jade Bryan

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