The History of Yoni Steaming

Vaginal steaming is an ancient form of medicine that is used to promote good healing of the womb and feminine reproductive system, by using herbal steam combined with other healing agents to assist in facilitating the body’s natural healing process. This is a method that has been practiced by our ancient ancestors. And this sacred womb healing method has been passed down through traditions of different cultures including African and Caribbean to name a few. In addition, sweating is another ritual that is recognized as a modality in healing the entire body, specifically the womb and reproductive organs. The Native American cultures have used smudging the womb, and other cultures have used yoni steaming and sweat lodges as a form of healing as well. This Sacred Womb Herbal Steam and Womb Sauna method, goes way beyond the common spa experience. It is my goal to empower other women to tap into their sacred self, so that she can bring her healing to herself. Also, Sacred Womb Healings Herbal steam, is a mobile womb care business, that’s dedicated to offering you this sacred and powerful experience in the privacy of your own home. Book your session today. You’ll be glad that you did.

Sacred Herbal Womb Steam- $110.00

Enjoy 60 minutes of calm, relaxing sacred yoni and womb herbal steam. This ancient treatment will cleanse, balance, and detox your womb and yoni. Includes Reiki, Yoni Yoga body movement, Talk Therapy, and Reflexology
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Sacred Womb Herbal Steam - $110.00

Enjoy 60 minutes of sacred womb and yoni herbal steam treatment in our holistic healing center. Includes consultation, and Reiki energy healing, Sacred Yoni Yoga, Reflexology, and talk therapy.
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Come Steam With a Friend - $120.00

Enjoy 2 sessions for yourself, or steam with a friend, herbal womb steam session with your friend or family member!

NOTE: Ask about our yoni steam parties.
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